We just returned from our final trip of the 2023 season.
Tigers and Great Hammerheads in the Bahamas.
It was bitter sweet.
It has been a long and year wonderful year.
I am grateful to everyone who has traveled with us. I am grateful to everyone who has followed our journey.
I am thankful that we are able to share so much magic with so many wonderful people.
This job has been a dream and I am filled with gratitude that I get to do this everyday.
Showing people animals and amazing places has become more than a job to me. Yes it is my passion, but I also feel it is my duty.
My responsibility.
My life’s work is to share and show people what is left of our wild places, and the animals that call those places home.
Hopefully these places will remain wild forever. Humans are so greedy for land and for progress that I don’t know if they will.
But as long as I have breath, I will continue sharing and showing our wild places to people to hopefully spark the need to protect what is left.
It’s an uphill battle, but it is worth it. Animals are worth it. The Earth is worth it, and people are worth it.
The world is full of magic my friends… My dream is to help keep it that way.
Going to be sharing a lot of highlights with you all as we near the end of 2023 .
Until the next post, thank you for reading and sharing this journey with me.
Virtually and out in the world… I appreciate you.
Tiger and Great Hammerhead Group Photo. Final one for 2023.